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Farm in Tennessee

Address: 163 Clarktown Road Roan Mountain 37687

Approximate value $: 450,000

Heritage of Sevierville, TN built log cabin on 20 acres bordered by the Cherokee National Forese All wood treated and select and better in quality. , steel case well, creek on property. Property owned on both sides of public road. Deer, Bear, Turkey and many other wild game. Two car separate garage and workshop and shed in rear for grounds equipment. Geothermal heat pump. Lakes, golf courses, ski slopes all within 30 minute drive. Very private. It is our second home but it is time at our age to have second home in warmer climate.

In exchange for House in Florida, 34748

Approximate value $ : 250,000

senior living, prefer no stairs, golf course or community center nearby, parks, walking trails. Active 55+ community. We built houses so more interested in either land or a house that we can fix to our needs. I am a pilot so a flying community is also a plus.

ID: 25699, Submitted: 01/10/2017 18:59:14, Updated: 01/10/2017 18:59:14, Visitors: 9774


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