Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

Farm in Washington

Address: 550 N. Sequim ave Sequim 98382

Approximate value $: 750,000

1916 very restorable farm house on the last 4 acres in the middle of town with several out biuldings and barns that are used for covered RV storage. With covered horse pens arena and round pen. Property is used as rental income and rv rental at this time, we also keep horses and beef cattle on the property. Irrigation ditch and city water both grandfathered in if you care to grow a small crop. We are looking to trade for property in either Prescott or San Diego areas to be closer to family.

In exchange for Property in Arizona, California, 92065 or 86314

Approximate value $ : 500,000

Comercial or residential,farm or ranch. Southern Ca. or central Az.

ID: 11794, Submitted: 01/17/2011 16:25:41, Updated: 01/17/2011 16:25:41, Visitors: 5742


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