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House in Alabama

Address: 101 Indian Lake Cove Pelham 35124

Approximate value $: 325,000

3/4 BR 3.5 Bath, Brick House located just 5 minutes from Galleria. House was built in 2005. Just steps away from well established lake. Quiet Country Setting in the city. Huge Master Suite, Custom Office, 2 Car Garage, Finished Basement, Deck, Patrially Fenced Yard. House is 1/2 mile from Elem/Middle/High School. Great Condition and well mainatined. Looking for House in Hoover/Homewood/Vestavia.

In exchange for House in Alabama, 35226

Approximate value $ : 325,000

May Trade down if owner is willing to add some cash.

ID: 12622, Submitted: 02/18/2011 14:50:10, Updated: 02/18/2011 14:50:10, Visitors: 7196


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