Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Alabama

Address: 348 Rosa Lane Midland City 36350

Approximate value $: 170000

2008 all brick, 1800sqft, 3/2, 2 car garage, all new appliances, washer/dryer and heatpump. Just 5 miles from Dothan, Alabama. We are looking to move back to Kentucky near or around Bardstown. Want to trade houses of equal value, no money involved. Phone 334-984-0504

In exchange for House in Kentucky, 40004

Approximate value $ : 170000

Same as we have to trade.

ID: 14256, Submitted: 05/22/2011 17:18:49, Updated: 05/22/2011 17:18:49, Visitors: 2684


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