House in AlabamaAddress: 4433 Preserve Drive Hoover, Al 35226 Approximate value $: 450,000.00 copy and paste the below link for listing information 83?proppos=6&ag_id=1274744&startpos=1&endpos=10&ids=71 324810,65810104,51439375,74793370,76090798,69505983,76036272,58382954, 75070970,75016894&propertyCount=24In exchange for House in Alabama, 36830Approximate value $ : 450,000.00 At least 4 Bedrooms. Nice Neighborhood. In Auburn City Limits. ID: 1593, Submitted: 10/09/2008 10:59:43, Updated: 10/09/2008 11:26:30, Visitors: 3139