Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Alabama

Address: 205 chunnuneggee ave. Union Springs 36089

Approximate value $: 105000

Historical 5,400 sq ft home in a Historic civil war town.Large 5 bed 4 bath Unfinished studio apt.(mother in law) #3 car garage on large 2+ ac. lot .peach and plum and pecan trees. Quiet small town Southern living. No zoning---low taxes for more info on this lovely home email

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 105000

Would like to stay in the South but will look at all offers.I want a 3-4 bedroom at least. Show me what you got! I have Family in Fl., Ky., In. and a few other states. Would like to have well and septic. Thank you, Cara

ID: 23938, Submitted: 01/29/2014 12:53:25, Updated: 01/29/2014 12:57:52, Visitors: 8104


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