Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Alabama

Address: 1901 Windsor Ave Montgomery 36109

Approximate value $: 92,000

Updated 1935 home. New appliances, home warranty, doors & floors & ceilings and kitchen and furnace and water heater. Rent-to-own at 5% down. Previous tenant moved out of state. This is a great opportunity for an investor or a home buyer.

buy 3 high-profit rental houses earning 56% return on equity. Renovated 2007-8. Home warranty. Were in rent-to-own programs but options to purchase are expiring. I want to trade one or all towards home in Auburn. Only $53,000 is owed on one house and the others are owned with no mortgages.

In exchange for House in Alabama, 36830

Approximate value $ : 200,000

near Chewacla

ID: 4593, Submitted: 12/15/2009 16:41:47, Updated: 12/14/2010 14:39:01, Visitors: 7673


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