Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Alabama

Address: 954 Wilson Road Blountsville 35031

Approximate value $: 400,000

We have a 40 acre farm with remodeled house that has about 3000 sf. The land is fenced and cross fenced. At present we have 20 black agus calves on it. It comes with 2 tractors and a lot of equipment. Everything you need to run the farm. We are on city water but there are 2 wells ,a spring, a pond, and a stream feeding the pond. A nice place to live or bring up kids. We would like to down size.

In exchange for House in Florida

Not on the ocean but around 20 minutes away or close to fresh water

ID: 7176, Submitted: 07/24/2010 15:54:40, Updated: 07/24/2010 15:54:40, Visitors: 7713


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