Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Alaska

Address: 100 MEALS-HILL RD / HAZELET valdez 99686

Approximate value $: 550,000.00

It is also a turn key business, and has been very prosperous for the last two years. We have added to cabins to the property and will trade for a b and b in California on the coast,or a large home.

In exchange for House in California, 99686

Approximate value $ : 550,000

Large home 4 or more bedrooms on the central coast in california or a turnkey bed and breakfast which is what we have with cabins. Great income, time for us to move closer to the grandkids.

ID: 19629, Submitted: 12/21/2011 23:18:10, Updated: 12/21/2011 23:18:10, Visitors: 9730


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