Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Alaska

Address: Fairbanks 99701

Approximate value $: 165,000

I have a 2600 square foot duplex on 5 acres up for trade. It is 4 miles from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and only 10 minutes away from downtown Fairbanks. Value is about $165,000. I own it outright and am looking to trade it for a home or business in SW Idaho. Anywhere from Parma, Homedale, Caldwell, Melba, Kuna, Nampa, Boise, Mountain Home, Idaho City, etc.

In exchange for House in California, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

minimum 3 bed...2 car garage.

ID: 339, Submitted: 05/07/2008 00:56:13, Updated: 05/07/2008 00:56:13, Visitors: 12244


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