Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: Mesa 85026

Approximate value $: 190,000.00

Two bedroom, 2 bathroom, living room, dining room, family room 2 car gargage, new windows,new roof,new heat pump, access to rec. room, pool,fitness room, close to shopping. Willing to trade straight across for home in Elk Washington area

In exchange for House in Washington

Approximate value $ : 190,000.00

Wanted home and land in elk Washington or round the Elk Washington area. Must have water, sewer, Elec. Please call Bob at 509-993-6287

ID: 12949, Submitted: 03/06/2011 06:12:13, Updated: 03/06/2011 06:12:13, Visitors: 7450


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