Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: Fort Mohave 86426

Paid For Free and Clear. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 3 car garage 30x30...1456 sf. Blt in 1994. 1.08 acres land. Lots of room for toys. Horses allowed. Close to Colorado River. I am interested in Las Vegas/Henderson, NV. Or Close to Portland, OR./Vancouver, WA. I purchased my home for $269,000 in 2005/6

In exchange for House in Nevada, Oregon

Paid for Free and Clear. min. 3bd/2ba Single Family Res. Newer Mobile home if on it's own land. No Condos or Townhomes.2 car garage or bigger. No Assoc. Fee Large Lot. I will look at all...

ID: 14251, Submitted: 05/22/2011 10:33:18, Updated: 05/22/2011 10:35:14, Visitors: 2914


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