Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: 14333 E 49 st Yuma 85367

Approximate value $: $235,000.00

Would like to trade our free title Yuma Foothills adobe style home for Dell Webb type home in Palm Dessert area .
It is situated on a very large lot in the "Ravines " subdivision surrounded by three golf courses that have very
resonable green fees.
Our home is a two bedroom snowbird design home with lots of outdoor patio living areas .
Present day value is approx $235,000 .We are prepared to pay up to $ 100,00 difference for the right property.
Will exchange photos after contact is made .

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : $235 K to $300 K

Would like to trade for a Dell webb Type home in a gated communtity

ID: 20228, Submitted: 01/19/2012 22:40:55, Updated: 01/19/2012 22:40:55, Visitors: 2643


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