Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: 86328

Approximate value $: 150,000.00

Get this beautiful 3 bedroom (3 Br + large den) 2 full bath 1900 sq. ft. house, built-in entertainment center, gas fireplace, and large landscaped fenced yard with fireplace, waterfall and a covered patio with mountain views. Also has 2 car attached garage. Very low utilities ($$). Located in Quailwood in a quiet neighborhood. Tennis court, basketball court, and park.

In exchange for Town House in Illinois, 60108

Approximate value $ : 150,000.00

ID: 20449, Submitted: 02/05/2012 13:13:23, Updated: 02/06/2012 11:33:03, Visitors: 2938


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