Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: 42 calle agua tranquilla tubac,az 85646

Approximate value $: 429000 & 239000

2 homes in tubac,az an artists village in southern az. 3,000 ft.elevation. trade for home/condo in scottsdale, fountain hills, sedona,payson,prescott,Az your choice: 1 custom home 2400 sq. ft. stone floors, 10 & 13 ft. ceilings,patios, courtyards, views on 1.25 acres,valued at 429000. Or, 1- 960 sq.ft.
custom home w/views, fountain, patio, very special on 1.25 acre valued at 239000. contact us @ or 928 978-1260.

In exchange for House in Arizona

Approximate value $ : 220000-440000

home or condo in scottsdale, fountain hills, sedona, payson, prescott,az values between 220,000-429000

ID: 2355, Submitted: 02/16/2009 15:42:04, Updated: 02/16/2009 16:12:54, Visitors: 13381


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