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House in Arizona

Address: Phoenix 85029

Approximate value $: 165,000

New roof,New A/C heat pump, lg block patio, H2O water system, double pain windows,3 bdrm 2 bath, family rm with fire place, enclosed sun rm. rear double garage,1800 sq ft, lg corner lot. Orange tree, block frame, block fence. Close to Metro Mall. Sell or trade

In exchange for Town House in Arizona, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Jalisco, Mexico, phoenix area or scottsdale

Approximate value $ : up to 100,000.

Can be condo or town house, preferably with a garage. 2+ bdrm HOA under $175.00 a month. I will take Contract on Balance.

ID: 23707, Submitted: 10/22/2013 15:10:18, Updated: 10/22/2013 15:10:18, Visitors: 9920


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