Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: 16304 S Lamb Rd. Arizona City 85123

Approximate value $: 47,500

Mountain views both front and back.3 bed 2 bath. 1480 sq ft. Chainlink fenced backyard. 2 story storage shed w/electric. Minutes from I-10. Located between Phoenix and Tucson. Year round fishing 3 mins up the road. Quiet subdivision. Close to shopping in Casa Grande.

In exchange for House in Michigan, 49423 or surrounding area

Approximate value $ : 20000 - 35000

Must be on land NO mobile home parks or HOA's. Need room for dogs to run. Can be a fixer upper.

ID: 24209, Submitted: 05/19/2014 16:25:53, Updated: 05/19/2014 16:25:53, Visitors: 10612


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