Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: Casa Grande, Chandler 85122, 85248

Approximate value $: 210,000

I have one to 3 homes available for trade. One is worth about 210,000, 2439 sq ft built in 2006, one is 2200 sq ft built in 2007, value is 165,000 they are both in Casa Grande, Az and one is located in Chandler Az that was built in 2012 over 3000 sq ft Fulton Ranch Home with huge pool and fire pits on columns on 12000 sq ft lot valued at about 625,000 .I could trade 1 or two of them for the right property. Wanting large acreage in Northern Ca, Oregon or eastern Washington. These are all really nice homes and fairly new. Pictures are of Fulton Ranch Home.

In exchange for Land in California, Oregon, Washington

Approximate value $ : Up to 985,000

80 plus acres, with or without home prefer less than 2000 per acre. Hilly, forest, meadow type property for small ranch/farm with creek, river or stream off the grid ok if it has access to streets in winter. Needs to be 1800' elevation or lower. Well would be nice but not required. I do not want flat desert land I want trees and or green meadows.

ID: 25350, Submitted: 04/25/2016 18:57:08, Updated: 04/25/2016 19:06:07, Visitors: 6046


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