Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Arizona

Address: E Baylor Ln Chandler 85225

Approximate value $: 145,000

This property was built in 1994. It is a single level, 1400sq ft home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, vaulted ceilings, 18in tile throughout entire house. 2 car garage,RV gate, covered patio, sprinkler, drip and mister systems. Great neighborhood, just minutes away from the fashion center.
i am looking to move back to Colorado Springs to be near my family and am willing to trade for just about anything there. If you are interested please let me know!

In exchange for House in Colorado, 80920

Approximate value $ : any

I am willing to take a house, condo, or town home of equal, lesser, or more value i Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, or the south end of Denver.

ID: 8317, Submitted: 09/21/2010 14:33:34, Updated: 09/21/2010 14:33:34, Visitors: 2861


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