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House in Arkansas

Address: 1352 Vanderbuilt Dr. Benton 72019

Approximate value $: 195900

3 bed/2bath + extra room. 2087sq ft, 1.6 acres in Benton, Arkansas. House located in between Hot Springs and Little Rock, AR. Built in 2006. MLS#10219458. Listed by Debbie Orton at Crye-Leike, Phone:501-690-0759.

In exchange for House in Kentucky, North Carolina

Approximate value $ : 195000

Located around Asheville, North Carolina or Lexington, Kentucky. Looking for a house in range of $175k to $200k

ID: 2702, Submitted: 04/16/2009 16:15:01, Updated: 04/16/2009 16:23:37, Visitors: 11796


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