Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Baja California

Address: El Dorado Ranch San Felipe, Baja MX 85281

Approximate value $: 275,000 and 425,000

I have two homes located in Eldorado Ranch, San Felipe, Baja Mexico that I am interested in trading for property in AZ, or ranch land in South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa etc. The homes are both courtyard style 3 bedroom 3 bath homes. One is about 1600 sq feet and one is about 2700 sq feet. One has a single stall garage and one has a double stall garage. One is two years old and the other one is new construction.

In exchange for Property in Any state

Approximate value $ : $275,000 to 700,000

House, condo or ranch land

ID: 1831, Submitted: 11/12/2008 16:20:15, Updated: 11/12/2008 16:20:15, Visitors: 6596


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