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House in British Columbia

Address: Stuart Lake Island Fort St James 00000

Approximate value $: 450,000

Location: Stuart Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Located only 2 hours from an International Airport, Lake Stuart (60 miles long with depths to 300 feet) remains unspoiled and is one of the few places left in the world where wild trout abound. There are only few areas around the lake where private ownership is permitted. It is also one of the few fresh water lakes in Canada where islands may be privately owned.

The Island: With 22 acres mol of thick forest and 1000s of feet of private beaches, it offers the rare opportunity to have complete privacy. The historic log cabin is in perfect condition; constructed in 1949/1950 from trees harvested from the island. The island was owned by one family for over 50 years. Although ownership of islands on lakes is generally no allowed in Canada, priviate ownership was allowed in this area when the area was still a British Colony in order to encourage the fur trade.

Shore Station/A-Frame: New 20 ft. x 28 ft. 2 level A-frame constructed on a waterfront lot approximately 2 miles by boat from the island. The A-frame has two levels, with the upper level devoted to the sleeping area and storage. 1kw solar panels, outback inverter and 8 AGM storage batteries power the cabin. There are two full time residents nearby, one a marine mechanic, who look after the A-frame and log cabin when we are not on-site. There is a common 3-acre parcel that is used as a boat launch and for boat storage. This cabin is accessed by boat or vehicle. The last 2.8 miles by vehicle requires a 4x4 at some times.

It is impossible to describe how beautiful the area is and photos or videos fall way short. Wildlife is abundant. Eagles are ever present and the island is home to one family that nests on the island every spring. There are otters, all type of duck and birds; deer, moose, elk, bear, lynx and many others.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 450,000

All considered

ID: 26597, Submitted: 04/20/2019 20:15:59, Updated: 04/21/2019 12:50:56, Visitors: 1646


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