Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: PGA WEST La Quinta 92253

Approximate value $: 1,800,000.

5000 sq ft 3 bedrooms 3 1/2 baths plus 2 bedroom 2 bath Casitas. Located on the
Jack Nicklaus Private Golf course 14th tee. Mountain/golf course and lake views.
Pool spa and outdoor kitchen. PGA West Golf membership included in price. Will trade for smaller golf course home in the area.

In exchange for House in California, 92253

Approximate value $ : 900,000

On golf course with mountain views

ID: 17849, Submitted: 10/13/2011 00:03:40, Updated: 10/13/2011 00:03:40, Visitors: 5368


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