Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: Beach area 93433

Central Coast...CA.fixer- Permanent swap or for sale, Walking distance to Beach, Camp ground, Grocery Stores,
Restaurants and Public Transportation, Lake near by.. - the central coast...--a vacation
area where you can live...and walk to the beach.. 3BR / 2B - -prices are around
$+309.990 to $645,500 here...detached garage.
but CASH IS KING - manufactured home could use some TLC,
live in or put new MH in... Laundry Hook Ups, 1000 Sq. Ft. 3 bedroom 2 bath
-live reasonable... ready to deal...

if interested and are looking to move to... the coast, and walk to the beach...and want to swap a house
leave phone number please no text...thanks for looking...

In exchange for House in California

Looking for a home on land -consider ? .san luis obispo county ca - northern ca - or ??
but CASH IS KING - let me know what you have...?

ID: 25790, Submitted: 03/29/2017 22:43:52, Updated: 06/13/2024 05:37:19, Visitors: 11415


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