Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: 12971 center gap rd. Chico 95928

Approximate value $: 695.000

Custom Built 2,201 sq.ft. home on 20.5 acres in Butte Creek Canyon Chico Ca. Mediterranean style home with 3 bed and 2.5 baths, open kitchen, very large wraparound deck with fantastic views, very private. 2 year around springs one feeds the house, very large basement 3,500 + sq. ft. Has well hole house fan made of tile, bricks cast concrete, last house on road. 2 car garage large awning will fit mobile home Much Much More. FREE and CLEAR. will trade for property in or around Reno Nv. equity $ 695,000.00 Will carry with large down. Call David 530-520-0969 or e-mail deverett919@gmail com

In exchange for House in Nevada

Approximate value $ : 250k to mill.k

would like home with land but not necessary, what do you have less trade.

ID: 25963, Submitted: 08/16/2017 18:17:13, Updated: 08/16/2017 18:17:13, Visitors: 5148


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