Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: Stanford Heights Ave. San Francisco 94127

Approximate value $: 1,500,000

San Francisco 3bdrm 2bath house with views, garage, garden located in quiet, safe neighborhood of San Francisco. Walk to BART, stores, amenities. Looking to exchange for house in Half Moon Bay/Montara/El Granada/Moss Beach/Miramar area only.

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : 1,100,000- 1,600,000

House located in Half Moon Bay/Montara/El Granada/Moss Beach/Miramar area.

ID: 27903, Submitted: 09/22/2023 17:22:38, Updated: 09/22/2023 18:02:13, Visitors: 2517


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