Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: 6401 Zinn Drive Oakland 94611

Approximate value $: 950,000

Very Private location, surrounded by oak trees and at the end of a short cul de sac. Within 3 minutes of Montclair downtown. 4 bed/ 3.5 bath plus self-contained au pair unit with seperate entrance.

In exchange for House in California, 94566

Approximate value $ : 950,000

We would like to swap for a home in Pleasanton, Ca. We can provide our home vacant or with tenants if desired, our current rental income from the home is $3500 per month.

ID: 5665, Submitted: 03/04/2010 17:21:55, Updated: 03/06/2010 11:02:36, Visitors: 2993


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