Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: Ojai 93023

Approximate value $: 500,000-550,000

Approx 1/4 acre, Main house 1428sq. ft., 3 BR,2BA. Tile roof. Guest
house 830 sq. ft. 2 BR, 1 BA, and Den. Will Post photos soon. For more info on Ojai, Ca. please visit

In exchange for House in Washington

Approximate value $ : 350,000-500,000

Looking for something on the outskirts of a large city, Seattle or Portland. 4 BR or larger, with barn or steel building. Will consider all replies.

ID: 7630, Submitted: 08/17/2010 00:20:47, Updated: 08/17/2010 00:20:47, Visitors: 3918


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