Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in California

Address: Hackberry lane Carmichael 95608

Approximate value $: 300.000

4 Bedroom , 3 Bathroom home RV entrance on 0,25 acres, 1600 sq.ft house, Great corner location and great school distric. Swimming pool, fruit trees and shade trees. Across private elementary school and church.
looking to swap for similar, condo or apartment in Los ANgeles, or San Fernando Valley.
call me 916-334-2887
email :

In exchange for House in California, 91356

Approximate value $ : 300000

ID: 9549, Submitted: 11/07/2010 20:47:42, Updated: 11/07/2010 20:47:42, Visitors: 5879


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