Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 604 S. Oak La Veta 81055

Approximate value $: 368,000

Beautiful southwestern style 2 br 2 bath home 1750 sq. ft with 1 car over-sized garage and 800 sq. ft. 1 br 1 bath mother-in-law quarters or rental. Golf, fishing, hiking all in close proximity. Cool summers. Own 2 homes and looking for a winter place in NV or AZ.

In exchange for House in Arizona, Nevada

Approximate value $ : 200K to $350K

3br 2 bath with 2 car garage at least 1800 sq. ft.

ID: 11092, Submitted: 12/28/2010 13:37:06, Updated: 12/28/2010 13:44:09, Visitors: 2546


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