Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: Delta 81416

Approximate value $: 335,000

Built 2005 1680 Sq.Ft. 30x40 workshop/garage built l2006, wired 220 & 110 volts. 10x20 storage shed, 2 car attached garage to house
All kitschen app. included. One and one half acres with irr.

In exchange for House in Colorado, 81521

Approximate value $ : 300,000

three car garage, 5 piece master bath, Covered Patio, 2000 plus sq.ft. A workshop would be a plus.

ID: 12778, Submitted: 02/25/2011 16:47:22, Updated: 02/25/2011 16:47:22, Visitors: 2644


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