Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 6234 Northwoods Glen Drive Parker 80134

Approximate value $: 400,000.00

Looking to upgrade homes? Beautiful 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, office, full finished walkout basement, appliances and pool table included, hard wood floors, eighteen foot ceilings, wet bar, kitchen features a double oven and 5 burner gas range, 3 car garage, large fenced yard with deck, great neighborhood and schools. Available for trade.

The home is valued at about $400K. Will consider a trade for condo, townhouse, or small house up to about $250K in value plus the cash difference. Any location.

In exchange for Condominium in Any state

Approximate value $ : $150,000-$250,000

ID: 13490, Submitted: 04/03/2011 13:27:41, Updated: 04/03/2011 14:45:57, Visitors: 6716


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