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House in Colorado

Address: Canon City 81212

Approximate value $: 350,000

Four year old custom built home. Gated community. Tuscan style 2400 sq ft single level 3/3 home; stucco exterior; double garage, landscaped; tile roof; private patio. Interior: Porcelain tile floors and textured walls; solid oak doors, 12/14/22 ft ceilings. Kitchen-aid kitchen; separate utility room

In exchange for House in Tennessee, 37179, 37174

Approximate value $ : 350,000

3/3, gated community, single level, 2-3 car garage; large, landscaped fenced lot; brick exterior; sun room; wood floors; updated kitchen and bathrooms. neutral interior colors, high ceilings

ID: 14665, Submitted: 06/12/2011 20:33:52, Updated: 06/15/2011 13:01:02, Visitors: 2813


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