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House in Colorado

Address: 5 Pinecrest Circle Bailey, Co. 80421

Approximate value $: 549,000

Custom Log Home on 8.2 private acres. Amazing mountain views. 4Br,3.5 bath, much more. MLS # 704794. 50 minutes to Denver, 70 minutes to Breckenridge. Can be viewed at Cir_Bailey_CO_80421_M28325-69939?ex=DVCO_704794&mlslid=704794

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 550000 or less

Ranch/farm/house- enough land to have privacy and grow some crops and chickens. Desire waterfront or large pond.

ID: 14935, Submitted: 06/27/2011 18:04:01, Updated: 06/27/2011 18:04:01, Visitors: 7421


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