Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 290 4th St. Meeker 81641

Approximate value $: 390,000

Very nice 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath 4,000 sf+or- home with large kitchen, huge family room, 2 walk-in vaults, attached 2-bay storage/shop area in central business district. Would be great bed & breakfast.

In exchange for House in Colorado, 81501

Approximate value $ : 390,000

Will consider trade for property in Grand Jtn, CO including home, business, commercial property, farm land. Will consider trade for home in AZ.

ID: 17238, Submitted: 09/22/2011 21:31:19, Updated: 09/22/2011 21:40:00, Visitors: 7343


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