Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 530 S. Pioneer Ave. Walsenburg 81089

Approximate value $: 120,000.00

4bedroom, 2 bath home on large lot with alleyway on south & north sides. Also have another lot that is available with home.Value is $120,000.00, asking $86,000.00 Taxes are approx. $750/yr

In exchange for House in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Utah

Approximate value $ : equal or less

Willing to trade for house, condo, trailer; prefer single-story.I am looking for a small place. Contact me and I can give you link to realtor listing that has some inside pics. Also interested in trade for RV.

ID: 17709, Submitted: 10/07/2011 21:00:37, Updated: 10/12/2011 20:56:24, Visitors: 3870


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