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House in Colorado

Address: 608 South Market st. Cortez 81321

Approximate value $: 195,000.00

Four bedroom, three bath multilevel home with beautiful rock fireplace, new flooring throughout, oak kitchen and plenty of room for a family. Completely fenced property with LOTS of storage-R.V. garage, three car covered parking in back, in addition to two-car carport in front. Includes a rental property on site that generates approximately $375.00 per month.

In exchange for House in New Mexico, 87401

Approximate value $ : 130,000-200,000

I'm looking for a smaller home or condo in Farmington, on the north side of town, preferably near Piedra Vista High School/San Juan College. A safe neighborhood is a priority.

ID: 18957, Submitted: 11/24/2011 10:27:33, Updated: 11/24/2011 10:45:33, Visitors: 2569


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