Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: I Road Fruita 81521

Approximate value $: 750,000

2 houses on approx.8.8 acres. Custom 4 bedroom,3 bath ranch style-2800 sq.ft. guest or mother-in-law-2 bedroom,1 bath-1100 sq. ft. Aprox.7.5 acres in grass hay. Would make nice small horse ranch. Beautiful mountain views. Built 2006

In exchange for House in Colorado

Approximate value $ : 300,000 +

Want smaller home on less property.Will trade for 2 or 3 homes-same property or other.Duplex ? Income property ?

ID: 22095, Submitted: 06/24/2012 10:28:14, Updated: 06/24/2012 10:28:14, Visitors: 2918


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