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House in Colorado

Address: 34450 State Hwy 167 Fowler, Colorado 81039

Approximate value $: 225,000

3600 sqft house, hot water heat, 5br, 4bath, hot tub off of master br, 1/2 finished basement, large rooms, dity water and septic, wood, tile, and carpet flooring with corn stove.
75'x85' pole barn, security cameras, 12 heated water tanks, wired and good lighting, built in grain bins 18000# capacity, fully fenced with high tensil electric, several hydrants. excellent well, everything fully sprinkeled, dog kennel, 20'x20' working shed, 50'x 22' carport. 20' x 30' shop. wired and insulated. currently used as sheep operation. Great for horses too.

In exchange for Farm in Oregon, 97321

Approximate value $ : 225,000

2000 sqft house, large barn, 10 acres, well, pasture, shop

ID: 22887, Submitted: 01/07/2013 15:17:10, Updated: 01/07/2013 16:31:47, Visitors: 6818


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