Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 25101 Parsil Canyon Trail Aguilar 81020

Approximate value $: 385000

Stunning views from very liveable solar home.Super efficient,solar and wind powered home on 44+ acres. Power is available. Additional 37+ acres available to buyer. 2100 Sq ft, 3 bed, 2.5 bath with good water well. Will sell or trade for property(s)in or near San Antonio or Austin areas. Will consider commercial, multifamily or single family. Market value is $385/435k with $320/380k equity. Will also look at properties of lesser value if you can bring cash to the table. We are NOT interested upscaling our equity. Email for info and photo packs.

In exchange for House in Texas

Approximate value $ : 350000

open to trades on residential or commercial property of equal or lesser value.

ID: 23848, Submitted: 12/26/2013 11:28:17, Updated: 12/26/2013 11:54:29, Visitors: 7246


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