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House in Colorado

Address: Colorado Springs 80919

Approximate value $: $430,000

2925 SF home in a covenant controlled community. Has a mother-in-law, 2 BR/1 Ba, kitchen in a walk-out, garden level bsmnt. total, 5 BR/4 Ba. views, corner lot. association cares for mowing, edging, watering. Looking for a twn house or patio home in Colorado Springs, with a main level bedroom and does NOT have a wt restriction on dogs. NW or NE area preferably.Will consider trading down.

In exchange for Town House in Colorado, colorado springs

Approximate value $ : 430,000

main level bedroom, maintenance free, excellent neighborhood, association.

ID: 26706, Submitted: 07/25/2019 20:25:02, Updated: 07/25/2019 20:28:39, Visitors: 9020


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