Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 2711 w. uintah st. colorado springs 80904

Approximate value $: 181677

3br, approx 1900sq ft. great location, west side between garden of the gods and colorado college. 1.75ba., 2c. gar. no-water mature landscape,low maint. vinyl siding. views of PIKES PEAK and garden of the gods. no loans, seeking cash-free

In exchange for House in Arizona, California, New Mexico

Approximate value $ : 182000

single family home or duplex located TUCSON or area with similar climate

ID: 4846, Submitted: 01/07/2010 00:41:08, Updated: 02/18/2010 18:13:13, Visitors: 5621


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