Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: 401 Lodgepole drive pagosa Springs 81147

Approximate value $: 799,000

This home is a 35 Acre Ranch free and clear in Alpine lakes sub div. Also million dollar views from every window. syle of home. see pictures on Zillow. This home has 3,000 square foot including a basement.
3 stall Barn.

In exchange for House in Arizona, 85260 85331 + more

Approximate value $ : 500k to 800k

scottsdale,phoenix Cave creek areas
mostly homes may consider La Jolla,Ca or Costa Rica

ID: 51611, Submitted: 11/23/2024 18:29:49, Updated: 11/24/2024 05:57:20, Visitors: 1443


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