Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Colorado

Address: Evans and Utica Denver 80219

Approximate value $: $500.00/Week

This house is available from January 17th, 2009 through January 21st, 2009. Would like to swap for the same days in Fairfax, VA. 1 Hour to ski slopes - easy access to shopping and entertainment in the heart of Denver!

In exchange for Condominium in Virginia

Approximate value $ : 500.00/Week

similar or close to ours which is a three bedroom 2 bath close shopping and downtown denver. Ski slopes are 1 hour away!

ID: 740, Submitted: 06/26/2008 16:37:16, Updated: 06/26/2008 16:46:07, Visitors: 3614


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