Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Connecticut

Address: 30 Eddy Glover Blvd New Britain 06053

Approximate value $: 300000

Wonderful ranch with lots of potentials, 4 rooms, 1 bathroom and 2 partial. 2 kitchens and lots of room.
Great location, across the street from CCSU college, a great future investment.

In exchange for House in Connecticut, 06030

Approximate value $ : 250000

4 bedrooms home in Farmington/ Unionville CT area, ready to swap! Liveable for a family of 5 peoples

ID: 24426, Submitted: 09/06/2014 09:16:30, Updated: 09/06/2014 10:13:37, Visitors: 6011


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