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House in Connecticut

Address: 111 Chestnut Grove Rd WATERTOWN, CT 06795

Approximate value $: 329,000.00

3 1/2 bedroom colonial/cape with formal dinningroom and sunkin sunroom livingroom with pellet stove. office, kitchen with mudroom, foyer, plenty of closets, full basement, neww roof, windows, updated and increase wiring, garage with upstairs large apartment area. 18ft above ground pool over sized deck , patio leading to a large gazebo with hot tub for 6, also large enough to hold two exercise bikes, treadmill, and parkbench. two goodsize sheds. greenhouse. In litchfield county, near private school, quiet family neighborhood.

In exchange for House in Massachusetts, 06795

Approximate value $ : same

of equal value on cape cod mass.

ID: 27158, Submitted: 09/03/2020 01:17:05, Updated: 09/03/2020 02:57:33, Visitors: 3829


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