Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Connecticut

Address: Hoskins Rd Simsbury 06070

Approximate value $: 365000

Income produced or your primary SFH in desirable Simsbury CT 2074 SF,4b/2b , 0.56A, 13 years old colonial with selected maple floor and cabinets, professional landscaping with rocky retaining walls and more .worth 365 000. Will swap for SW FL SFH 15 years old , 3b/2b
Contact with me 860-533-9210 or e-mail .Victor or Yelena

In exchange for House in Florida

Single family home preferable less than 20 years follow existing market value only

ID: 5548, Submitted: 02/26/2010 15:53:13, Updated: 02/26/2010 15:59:59, Visitors: 8847


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