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House in Florida

Address: 2003 Carrington Drive Orlando 32807

Approximate value $: 1,000,000+/-

This is a 5-5-2 with a detached mother-in-law suite on prime Orlando property. The up-stairs have 2 bedrooms, each with full bath, walkin closet and balcony overlooking the pool and back yard. Downstairs have 3 bedrooms with 3 bathromms. There are lots of outside entertaining; pool deck, summer kitchen, south and west patios, kitchen is over 400sf, heated swiming pool is 30x18x6' deep. Custom home boasts of 16,000sf pavers, lots of fruit trees and palms trees, custom fence and electronis entry, A1 schools, great shopping within 5 miles radius, area zoned agricultural, 400amp electric service, LP gas for cooking, dryer and water heater, trane Hi-eff A/Cs, vegetable garden, all granite counters and stainless appliances, low energy consumption, irrigation with well water, tennis court, golf cart. Will trade for home in North Dallas even though property is less than value. Call Edward @ 407-970-5511 for info. See house on Carrington Drive

In exchange for House in Texas, 750--

ID: 11553, Submitted: 01/10/2011 14:42:31, Updated: 01/10/2011 14:42:31, Visitors: 3698


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