Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 116 east groveland East Palatka 32131

Approximate value $: 450,000

190ft bulkheaded raised acre and half lot on St Johns River. 20 minutes from St Augustine...45 min from jax. House is 972 sf A frame. House is definately liveable but the Lot is the main value here. House also has two garages. I wish to trade down. I will consider property anywhere in southeast or northeast usa but I need to downsize. Am also open to taking a trade in and holding a mortgage or maybe some other creative financing. Also have a beautiful lot and 3/3 house next to it on river also...okay thanks

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 200,000

I am open to anything i can either vacation in or rent out

ID: 1205, Submitted: 08/25/2008 23:59:15, Updated: 08/25/2008 23:59:15, Visitors: 2002


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