Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: Homosassa 34446

Approximate value $: 130,000

3/2 1985 sq ft two car garage with fireplace on 1/3 acre lot
in Sugarmill Woods( see for area
information). We have two golf courses in the community and are very close to 5 spring fed rivers that run into the Gulf. Home value is based on current comps and not inflated for trade.

In exchange for House in Alabama, Colorado, Florida

Approximate value $ : $70,000

Interested in trading for 2/2 Condo in Tampa, Birmingham or near
Durango,Co. Will also trade for Class A RV 2000 or newer or live aboard size motor yacht or trawler up to $70,000 in value. Balance in cash..sorry no owner finance. Our home is free and clear yours should be the same.

ID: 13435, Submitted: 03/31/2011 10:51:58, Updated: 03/31/2011 10:51:58, Visitors: 6692


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